Tuesday, April 24, 2007

April 20th's Official LOST Podcast - Recap

In this week's Official LOST Podcast, Damon and Carlton once again hinted at some interesting things that may develop in the future, and cleared up some unresolved questions. Here's the recap:


-Desmond changed the identity of the Parachutist when he saved Charlie
-The picture in the backpack was Penny's
-We will know where the cable leads this season
-D.O.C. stands for "Date of Conception"
-Sun's baby daddy will be revealed as a 'mystery person,' possibly not Jae or Jin; at the end of the episode
-Juliet may have good intentions
-We will find out if Ben was concieved on the island or not in two weeks. Don't trust Ben just yet.
-Juliet possibly took a plane at some point before she arrived on the island in the sub
-The identity of Jacob will be a shocking reveal, and most definitely not Billy Dee Williams
-Christian Shephard is dead [in the narrative sense of the term. possibly hinting at a new perspective on "dead?"]
-A war may erupt during the final episodes, including many deaths. Hurley may or may not be killed.
-At one point, Ben has been "in love." With what, we'll find out.
-The only reason that Desmond's hatch mural art and Claire's boyfriend's art is similiar is because it was done by the same artist -- Jack Bender, producer for the show. No mysterious elements involved.
-Danielle's flashback will be post-season 3 and involves Montaund's arm
-Marvin Candle is not Montaund

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