Monday, April 30, 2007

ABC's Official LOST Podcast - Notes

Here's a roundup of Damon and Carlton's latest musings:

  • Jin is the father of Sun's child
  • Sun was the indirect cause of Jin's "promotion"
  • The parallel between the flashback and the island story is Sun's no-win situation
  • Naomi's last name is Dorit
  • Naomi could either be lying about Flight 815 or there is a major conspiracy in progress
  • Next episode, "The Brig" will feature Locke's story as well as Naomi
  • Mikhail may not have been killed. The pylons might not have been intense enough. Or he was healed by the Island.
  • Mikhail will give us a hint as to how he is alive
  • This week's episode is a "turning point"
  • The blanks will be filled in regarding the immediate aftermath of Tallahassee Man's cliffhanger
  • Anthony Cooper himself will explain how he came to the Island
  • Carlton Cuse lent his voice as a lottery announcer in Season One's episode, "Numbers"
  • The Button is not the "only method" of bringing vessels to the Island. Sometimes you need an "extra punch"
  • The producers don't remember if they ever framed the show in a logical/scientific frame or context.
  • The Others are interested in children with 'special abilities'
  • We will revisit the psychic's predictions
  • There is more to the pregnancy crisis that we don't know about
  • There are only two factions of Others

That's it for this week.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Spoilor Episode Delayed

The recent spoiler episode of the Lost Podcast with Pheretic and Pandemic has been delayed. The episode will come out soon keep checkng he website and iTunes for it. Sorry for short notice

Thursday, April 26, 2007

!!Naomi Speaking to the World!!

Many things to talk about in genral this week. First off why was Namoi multi-lingual for like a couple minutes. Naomi spoke in three languages Spanish, Chinese, and then Italian, when she spoke in spanish she said "estoy moriendo" or "I am dying". We could not understand what Naomi said in Chinese because obviously Jin and everyone else in the Lost community can't speak that language. But we do have insight on the Italion. Miguel translated and said that she was saying "thank you for saving me", but some believe the actual translation is "I am not alone", I think we will become closer to finding this out in future episodes. Also Naomi has an United Kingdom accent. Maybe she is connect with Charlie or Desmond's past, something we might see in the future? Can't wait to see her in the next episode!!

Radnac's Thoughts on "D.O.C."

Wow. that was a suprisingly good episode; above mediocre and better than last week. I almost lost hope until about 20 minutus into the hour where things started to pick up and we got into the meat of the episode. The flashbacks and the island story actually both kept me interested, and the acting was well done. It's weird that the flashbacks seem to have no parallels to the island story anymore. They could've switched these flashbacks for the Glass Ballerina ones and it would've fit better.
Anyway, since my thoughts are scattered, I'll just bullet-point a few things...

-Why do Korean people refer to currency in American dollar amounts?

-What's up with the Parachutist's mult-lingual crap?

-Why wasn't Mikhail at least deaf or somtething? Did he really die or just badly injured, then healed?

-Mikhail is obviously trying to establish communications again.

-I didn't understand the whole Sun versus Jin's mom thing. Their was no singificant threat. Was she going to leak Jin's background information to the Press?

-I feel like we finally learned more about Sun and Jin. As we all know, character development in flashbacks have become scarce this season; but I think we connected a few dots this time. We got to hear more on Jin's family and the bitter duality of the rich family declining the poor family and vice versa. We also kind of found out why Jin was eventually hired as an assasin.

-The baby's conception revelation was a bit anti-climactic, especially having waited for it so long; but at least it created some conflict.

-The tension between Charlie, Jin, and Desmond was great.

-I think it was funny that they made Charlie act like Kate had told him about Mikhail. And Hurley shooting the flare was priceless.

And finally,

-We got to see a glimpse of what Juliet's real feelings are. We can infer that she is trying to finish her research so she can get off the island. And she hates Ben.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

April 20th's Official LOST Podcast - Recap

In this week's Official LOST Podcast, Damon and Carlton once again hinted at some interesting things that may develop in the future, and cleared up some unresolved questions. Here's the recap:


-Desmond changed the identity of the Parachutist when he saved Charlie
-The picture in the backpack was Penny's
-We will know where the cable leads this season
-D.O.C. stands for "Date of Conception"
-Sun's baby daddy will be revealed as a 'mystery person,' possibly not Jae or Jin; at the end of the episode
-Juliet may have good intentions
-We will find out if Ben was concieved on the island or not in two weeks. Don't trust Ben just yet.
-Juliet possibly took a plane at some point before she arrived on the island in the sub
-The identity of Jacob will be a shocking reveal, and most definitely not Billy Dee Williams
-Christian Shephard is dead [in the narrative sense of the term. possibly hinting at a new perspective on "dead?"]
-A war may erupt during the final episodes, including many deaths. Hurley may or may not be killed.
-At one point, Ben has been "in love." With what, we'll find out.
-The only reason that Desmond's hatch mural art and Claire's boyfriend's art is similiar is because it was done by the same artist -- Jack Bender, producer for the show. No mysterious elements involved.
-Danielle's flashback will be post-season 3 and involves Montaund's arm
-Marvin Candle is not Montaund

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Ohh Mrs. Hawkins

Mrs. Hawkins appears in both episode eight "Flashes Before Your Eyes" but also this episode of "Catch-22". It appears that the central theme of no matter what you try to do it is going to happen (Catch 22) is Mrs. Hawkins(Ring Lady) mode of operating.

Backpack Luvin

So many little things were found in this episode of Catch-22. Like the Book. Only it was in portugese. If you look to the left you will also see the different componets of the Electronic Statliette Radio Phone.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Catch 22 gave this episoode a 9.2 out of 10 and I would not disagree. It showed us the view point of Desmonds flashes through his perspective and it gave kept us on the edge of our seat waiting for the charlie situation to be played out. This properly named episode Catch 22 also brings up the question who is the "lady from the sky". She obviously can name desmond by sight so I look foward to seeing who this mystrey women could be.

Next Week On Lost: "D.O.C."

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Radnac's Thoughts On "Catch 22"

If anything, this week's episode revealed five things: why Desmond calls people "brotha," how Desmond and Penny met, how Desmond started drinking, Desmond and Penny's connection with the Parachutist, and most importantly, this episode gave us a grand easter egg that most definitely proves that...

The 'Ring Lady' (aka Mrs. Hawking) was real and possibly hired by Desmond's head monk. What are your theories on this? Feel free to post your comments here.


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Official LOST Podcast Synopsis

In this week's Official LOST Podcast, Damon and Carlton hinted at some interesting tidbits for forthcoming episodes. Here is a list of what the producers insinuated:

WARNING: What some people may consider to be 'minor spoilers' may be ahead!

-The 'us' in "One of Us" might be referring to the Others, as in Juliet has been fully indoctrinated into the Others when she received her mark and made the deal with Ben.
-The sub was named the Galaga after the classic video game that sits in their office.
-More Juliet and Goodwin backstory is coming
-Ben may have lied about Juliet's sister developing cancer for the second time.
-Charlie might die in the 17th, 18th or finale episode.
-Fertility will play a role in the upcoming episode "D.O.C."
-A 'momentous' narrative happening will occur in "Catch 22"
-Carlton laughs hysterically about fan's ridiculous theories.
-In order for LOST to be a long-running TV show, it needs to have a mixed balance amazing and 'filler' episodes
-Paulo and Nikki are definitely dead...until the ZOMBIE SEASON.
-There is nothing left in the Season One Pilot episode to resolve.
-The smoke monster is weak and repelled by the pylon fence, can't detach itself from the ground, and thus cannot go over the fence.
-The upcoming DHARMA flashback episode will reveal how and why the pylons were designed and built.

EPISODE 4: "See You In A Week"

The fourth installment of the podcast is up! In this episode, recorded Sunday the 15th, Pheretic and Pandemic theorize and speculate more about "One of Us," get into some listener comments, and reveal spoilers for upcoming episodes.

Download EPISODE 4 here,
on Talkshoe,
or on iTunes!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Next Week on Lost: "Catch 22"

EPISODE 3: "One of Us"

The latest episode of the podcast is up and running!
In this installment, Pheretic, Pandemic, and Radnac recap and discuss "One of Us" and make a few announcements.

Download EPISODE 3 Here, on Talkshoe, or iTunes!

Feel free to make comments about the episode here as well.

Friday, April 13, 2007

The papers that Ben gave Juliet, when she explaining that she had to bring women to Miami off the Island to test them, stated that there was 180 lb male with heart complication's was this a act of the writers or was been trying to con Juliet into thinking these papers were her sister...You figure out.

The Mark?

Look at the mark on the tree near Ethan's drop point. Could this be the same symbol that was branded on Juliet by the Other's.

Dharma Symbol?

Could this be the link that relates the other's to Dharma. If you look on the back of his shirt it is the same as the one that surround the swan in the Dharma symbol. Maybe the Other's weren't the hostiles after all? Maybe the Other's are the son's and daughter's brought to the island from the last generation of Dharma Initative workers?

One of Us-Review

Juliet lies about telling the truth about a lie, Kate doesn't know who to fall on Sawer or Jack, and pregnant women are now afraid to have babies on the island. Sounds like a episode of Desperate Housewives. With so many things going on and so many easter eggs to be found, we as lost fans find we got more than we bargained for. Even though the concensus that Juliet was a mole was made by many fans, the way the writers went about bringing it was great. Not until the last three minutes of the show did we get our theory confirmed, so the writers of Lost had us on the edge of our seat the entire show. I think another think that wraped my head was why did Juliet get involved with Goodwin, you would think of all people it would be Ben, considering in the pre-season three episodes Tom told Jack that Ben and Juliet had "history", or I could at least suspected Ethan. Also, why was Ben so defensive when Juliet called him a lier. He obviously lied or twisted words to the losties when he was imprisoned in the hatch. And when Juliet was looking at X-ray's she said that "Carl"(Alex's Boyfriend) developed the pictures for her so this shows that carl was not always a "fugative" to the others. So many Easter eggs were delivered this episode, it brings a great feeling to all the Lost fans who were waiting for answers and got them this episode. With five more episodes until the end of the season we should cherish each one as if it were our favorites because we are going to need something to hold on to for the future hiatis.

EPISODE 3 - Tonite!

Join us LIVE tonight (Friday) at 7:45 pm EDT on Talkshoe for EPISODE 3 of the Lost Podcast with Pheretic and Pandemic as they discuss the current episode: "One of Us."

How to participate:
  • Sign up on with username and PIN #
  • If you wish to use the chat room, you'll have to download special software from Talkshoe.
  • If you wish to call in, use Talkcast ID 23581 when you call (724) 444-7444. You will need your PIN # as well.

We hope to see you there!

Thursday, April 12, 2007



This is the soon-to-be-site for the Lost Podcast with Pheretic and Pandemic.
I'm Radnac and I'll be blogging on this site with my own opinions, along with news and updates on the show and the podcast. So hang tight as we attempt to pull this site together.

For now, check out the podcast on iTunes and catch us for the live show this Friday at Talkshoe!