Thursday, April 26, 2007

!!Naomi Speaking to the World!!

Many things to talk about in genral this week. First off why was Namoi multi-lingual for like a couple minutes. Naomi spoke in three languages Spanish, Chinese, and then Italian, when she spoke in spanish she said "estoy moriendo" or "I am dying". We could not understand what Naomi said in Chinese because obviously Jin and everyone else in the Lost community can't speak that language. But we do have insight on the Italion. Miguel translated and said that she was saying "thank you for saving me", but some believe the actual translation is "I am not alone", I think we will become closer to finding this out in future episodes. Also Naomi has an United Kingdom accent. Maybe she is connect with Charlie or Desmond's past, something we might see in the future? Can't wait to see her in the next episode!!

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