Friday, April 13, 2007

One of Us-Review

Juliet lies about telling the truth about a lie, Kate doesn't know who to fall on Sawer or Jack, and pregnant women are now afraid to have babies on the island. Sounds like a episode of Desperate Housewives. With so many things going on and so many easter eggs to be found, we as lost fans find we got more than we bargained for. Even though the concensus that Juliet was a mole was made by many fans, the way the writers went about bringing it was great. Not until the last three minutes of the show did we get our theory confirmed, so the writers of Lost had us on the edge of our seat the entire show. I think another think that wraped my head was why did Juliet get involved with Goodwin, you would think of all people it would be Ben, considering in the pre-season three episodes Tom told Jack that Ben and Juliet had "history", or I could at least suspected Ethan. Also, why was Ben so defensive when Juliet called him a lier. He obviously lied or twisted words to the losties when he was imprisoned in the hatch. And when Juliet was looking at X-ray's she said that "Carl"(Alex's Boyfriend) developed the pictures for her so this shows that carl was not always a "fugative" to the others. So many Easter eggs were delivered this episode, it brings a great feeling to all the Lost fans who were waiting for answers and got them this episode. With five more episodes until the end of the season we should cherish each one as if it were our favorites because we are going to need something to hold on to for the future hiatis.

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